Hey everybody, this blog is going to be simple. I am trying to lose weight and need some motivation. I think that if I put my ideas on a blog and can see myself change physically then it will help me succeed and hopefully other people as well.
I have kept myself pretty fit for most of my life. I got married and at that point I let myself go a little. I stopped working out daily, started eating like shit, and sure enough I gained weight. I feel like I blinked and all of a sudden I was 300 pounds. Its been 7 years since I have been fit enough to feel comfortable in my own skin. I hate who I have become. I hate that I am fat. I try and start every day off right, but when I look in the mirror I just get down on myself. When I get depressed I eat more shitty food for comfort. I need to change the way I think about myself and the negative things I say about myself.
Basically what I am gonna do it tell you what I am doing and see if I can make it work. I have only been working out for 2 days and I am finding that a lot of my motivation is coming by way of music. In the past I figured that it helped, but what the gym has playing is always lame radio edited pop music that is REALLY main stream. I have always been someone who does not like the main stream music as much. I have found that dubstep style of music is very motivational to me. If I crank that in my headphones I am able to push myself like never before. Also, if I am having a down day and feeling like I dont want to go workout, I have found motivational videos on youtube.com that get me pumped up. You can search for just about anything.
I have felt really good the past 2 days. I am excited to eat more healthy and workout during the day. You just have to get rid of the excuses. I have made those mistakes SOOO many times. I would hit the gym super hard one day, then be so sore and tired the next day I didnt go back and lose that momentum. Another mistake that I have made is I try and count on other people to help you. If you don't show that day then your letting that person down or vice versa. Don't count on anyone but yourself and you can succeed. I have also been injured from playing sports, lifting to heavy, and just old injuries kicking back up. You have to ease yourself back into working out. This being said, you have to still push yourself. I have been looking for something that is low impact because I am heavy set guy. Obviously the elliptical or bike would be the best for me. I am not a fan of treadmills anyways. I have been riding the bike for 45 minutes every day so far. My goal everyday is to not go under 90 rotations per minute. I plan to increase the time and intensity the better shape I get in. I have done small lifting programs that I write up myself alternating upper and lower body every other day.
Later I will post my workouts that I do in detail and post my measurements for each body part. That way you can see my progress.
Proud of you :)